How Long Does Zucchini Last: How To Store It Properly?

How Long Does Zucchini Last, and How to Store it Properly: Zucchini, also known as courgette, is a versatile and nutritious summer squash that can be used in a variety of dishes. Whether you grow it in your garden or purchase it at the grocery store or farmer’s market, knowing how to store zucchini properly is essential to extend its shelf life and maintain its freshness. In this article, we will provide the factors that influence the shelf life of zucchini and provide practical tips on how to store it effectively.

Factors Affecting Zucchini’s Shelf Life

Several factors play a role in determining how long zucchini will last before it starts to spoil. Understanding these factors will help you make informed decisions about how to store it properly:

Freshness at Purchase

If you buy zucchini that is already old or past its prime, its shelf life will be shorter compared to fresh zucchini.


Zucchini that is harvested when it’s still young and tender tends to last longer than overripe zucchini.

Physical Damage

Any cuts, bruises, or other physical damage to the zucchini can accelerate spoilage.

Humidity: High humidity can promote mold growth, while low humidity can cause zucchini to wither and become rubbery.


Zucchini is sensitive to both extreme heat and cold. Incorrect temperature conditions can lead to faster spoilage.

How Long Does Zucchini Last?

The shelf life of zucchini can vary depending on its freshness at the time of purchase and the storage conditions. Under optimal conditions, here’s an approximate guideline:

Freshly Harvested Zucchini

If you harvest zucchini from your garden, it can last up to a week if stored correctly.

Store-Bought Zucchini

For zucchini bought from the grocery store or farmer’s market, they can last around 1 to 2 weeks when properly stored.

Tips for Properly Storing Zucchini

Inspect and Sort

Before storing, examine each zucchini for any signs of damage or rot. Sort them into two categories: those that need to be used immediately and those that can be stored for later use.


For zucchini that you plan to use within a few days, refrigeration is the best option. Place unwashed zucchini in a perforated plastic bag to maintain optimal humidity levels. Do not seal the bag tightly, as zucchini requires some airflow.


To extend zucchini’s shelf life for several months, consider freezing it. Start by blanching the zucchini in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then plunge them into an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Once cooled, pat them dry, and place them in airtight containers or freezer bags. Label the containers with the date for easier tracking.

Avoid Washing Before Storage

Zucchini’s natural protective layer can help it stay fresh for a longer time. Avoid washing it until you are ready to use it to prevent excess moisture.

Use It in Time

Fresh zucchini is at its best when consumed promptly. Plan your meals accordingly and prioritize using the zucchini that is closer to reaching its end.


Knowing how long zucchini lasts and how to store it properly is essential for minimizing food waste and maximizing its freshness. By following the tips mentioned above, you can enjoy delicious zucchini dishes throughout the summer and beyond. Whether you choose to refrigerate or freeze it, taking proper care of your zucchini will ensure you have a tasty and nutritious ingredient at hand whenever you need it. So, the next time you pick up some fresh zucchini, remember these guidelines to keep it fresh and ready to use!

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Q:- Can I store zucchini at room temperature?

Ans:- It is not recommended to store zucchini at room temperature for an extended period. Zucchini is a perishable vegetable that is sensitive to heat and humidity. Storing it at room temperature can accelerate spoilage and lead to the growth of mold. It is best to store zucchini in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life and maintain its freshness.

Q:- How do I know if zucchini has gone bad?

Ans:- When zucchini has gone bad, it will exhibit several signs of spoilage. Look for soft spots, mold, or a slimy texture on the surface of the zucchini. The color may turn brown or develop dark spots. Additionally, if the zucchini emits an unpleasant or foul odor, it is an indication that it is no longer suitable for consumption. If you notice any of these signs, it is best to discard the zucchini to avoid foodborne illnesses.

Q:- Can I freeze zucchini without blanching it first?

Ans:- While it is possible to freeze zucchini without blanching, it is not recommended. Blanching helps preserve the zucchini’s color, texture, and nutritional value by deactivating enzymes that can cause deterioration during freezing. Without blanching, the zucchini may become mushy and lose its vibrant green color. For best results, blanch the zucchini before freezing it to ensure it retains its quality during storage.

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